8 Reasons Why You Should eat Bananas and Groundnuts Regularly
8 Reasons Why You Should Consume Bananas & Groundnuts Regularly
Although groundnuts and bananas can be eaten separately, most people prefer groundnuts for their texture and flavour.
They’re also more flavorful when eaten together. Groundnuts and bananas are also considered healthy eating options because they are naturally eaten.
1. It’s good for your heart.
Because bananas are high in potassium, eating them with groundnuts is beneficial to the heart. Individuals with hypertensive tendencies will benefit greatly from this benefit.
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2. Assists in weight loss.
Increase your peanut and banana consumption if you’re trying to lose weight. These can help you feel fuller for longer and consume fewer calories. They are also low in fat and calories.
3. It boosts the body’s good cholesterol levels.
Consumption of groundnuts aids in the reduction of bad cholesterol levels in the body. It also improves the levels of good cholesterol.
4. It’s high in protein.
Protein-rich foods like groundnuts and bananas help the body maintain its energy production. Both vegetables are high in fibre as well.
5. High in antioxidants.
Antioxidant-rich foods protect your body from disease-causing free radicals, which can cause illness. They can also help you avoid becoming ill.

6. Helps with digestion.
Bananas are thought to aid digestion because they contain a type of starch that encourages the growth of beneficial bacteria in the colon. They can also aid digestion by reducing the frequency of bowel movements.
7. It aids in the reduction of blood sugar levels.
Diets high in fibre are also beneficial for diabetics. A high-fibre diet can help people with type 2 diabetes slow down the progression of the disease.
8. It boosts brain health and improves mood.
Anti-ageing properties can be found in bananas and groundnuts. These two have been shown in studies to improve a person’s mood and memory by increasing tryptophan levels. Groundnut oil has anti-ageing properties as well.
Thanks for reading 8 Reasons Why You Should Consume Bananas & Groundnuts Regularly.
Also Read 6 Health Benefits Of Lemon Water
Good source of Vitamin C
Citrus fruits like lemons contain vitamin C, a primary antioxidant that helps protect cells from damaging free radicals.
On top of that, vitamin C also plays a role in helping your body synthesize collagen, absorb iron, and produce hormones.
Additionally, not consuming enough vitamin C may cause symptoms, like:
- increased susceptibility to infections
- dryness of the mouth and eyes
- dry skin
- fatigue
- insomnia
- loosening of teeth
While lemons don’t top the list of citrus fruits high in vitamin C, they’re still a good source.
Squeezing the juice of a 48-gram lemon into a glass of water will provide you with 21% of the DV of vitamin C.