Any Unverified Miracle Is Public Stunt, Image Laundering, Marketing Strategy, Ego Ride: Catholic Priest Fada Oluoma

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Understanding the Distinction Between Miracles and Testimonies: Fada Oluoma’s Insightful Perspective

They are two different things. You can believe in miracles without believing in testimonies. Questioning testimonies of miracles is not the same thing as denying the reality of miracles or saying that there are feats too difficult for God.

Questioning testimonies of miracles is not the same thing as questioning God’s power. Your ability to question and criticise testimonies and miracle claims of both men of God and their allies shows you are an intelligent and confident child of God.


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Those who swallow those unverified tales are confusing gullibility with faith. They are just fearful and gullible, they are not more Christian than you. You are not offending God when you refuse to believe or accept an unverified testimony by any man of God or another person. Miracles are neither the foundation nor the message of Christianity.


Check all the prophets in the Bible, did you hear any of them telling their audience the story of any miracle God worked through them? Did you ever hear Elijah mentioning the fire incidence to anyone or the miracle of the oil and the flour that never got exhausted to anyone else?

Jesus and the disciples nko? Did you read anywhere in the Bible where Jesus recounted any miracle he did somewhere to the people he preached to elsewhere? Same with the apostles, did you read anywhere they told stories of their miracles to an audience they were preaching to elsewhere ?

If a miracle happens in your church, you don’t need the man of God to broadcast it, everyone there will see it. Why do your men of God always tell you miracles God did through them when they went elsewhere but such miracles never happen before you who are always there with them all the time? Why do they keep telling you of miracles that happened ELSEWHERE? it’s time for you to leave them and go ELSEWHERE o.


One of the reasons they give for public testimonies is: “God who did it for that person will do it for you. Believe this nonsense at your peril. There’s a difference between God who did it for that person WILL do it for you and CAN do it for you. What God CAN and WILL do for you doesn’t need testimony of another. God can do a miracle for someone without doing it for another no matter how many times you attend same programme.

There are miracles that require FAITH, and Roman 10 says Faith cometh by hearing the word of God, not by hearing stories of miracles. If testimonies were that necessary, Jesus and the apostles would have started their teachings or preachings with stories of miracles that happened the other day.

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Any unverified miracle is public stunt, image laundering, marketing strategy and ego ride.

If I live with a blind person and he goes to a church programme and comes back seeing, I can testify that he’s got a miracle. Another person who hadn’t known him can choose to disbelieve our claims and is right to ask for verification.


Before Mother Theresa was Canonized a saint, a woman’s claim of getting a miracle from her was thoroughly investigated by scientists. Miracles must be verified independently and scientifically, that’s how the catholic church recognizes any miracle as true.

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God doesn’t need your hype. You don’t need to hear others testimonies to receive a miracle. You certainly can question testimonies and seek verification. Anyone who doesn’t want their testimonies queried for verification should not publicize them.


Anyone who gets jumpy, defensive, angry, offended and pissed when his testimony or testimony of his prophet or  General Overseer is questioned is just a gullible Christian with low IQ.


I believe in miracles, I don’t and will never believe or act on unverified testimonies.

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“while the jews demand signs(miracles) and the Greeks, wisdom, we are rather preaching Christ crucified” 1Cor 1:22-23.


Rev. Fr. John Chinenye Oluoma Also known as Fada Oluoma is a priest of the Catholic Archdiocese of Abuja, Nigeria



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