Cardiac Arrest: Signs You Should Never Overlook


3 Signs Of Cardiac Arrest You Should Never Overlook

In many people, cardiac arrest is the primary factor that ultimately results in death.

It is also one of the most difficult things to deal with due to the fact that many people who experience sudden cardiac arrest do not survive as a result of it, because sudden cardiac arrest involves the loss of function in the heart, the survival rate is typically quite low.

As is the case with every other challenge that man must face, having the intelligence to recognize the most important warning signs of this lethal assault could improve one’s chances of surviving.

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In this article here on, we are going to take a look at some warning signs of cardiac arrest that you must never ignore.

1) Pain in the Chest

Because cardiac arrest is characterized by an abrupt disruption in the heart’s electrical function that results in unconsciousness, you need to be on the lookout once you begin experiencing chest pain that is not typical for you.

Pain in the chest is one of the earliest warning signs that a cardiac arrest is about to occur. If you suddenly experience unexplained chest pain, you should get to the hospital as soon as possible for an examination and possible treatment.

2) Difficulty in Breathing

This condition is also known as “being unable to catch one’s breath.” There is something wrong with you if you find that it is increasingly difficult to breathe even in everyday situations, that is, when you are not dealing with any other issues that are related to your breathing.

When you begin to notice that you are having trouble breathing for no apparent reason, you should rush to the hospital for an examination as soon as possible because there is a possibility that you are about to have a heart-related attack.

Difficulty breathing is one of the warning signs of a cardiac arrest. It is in your best interest to get it checked out as soon as possible.

3) Dizziness or fainting in some cases

You will start to feel a sudden urge to pass out or lose consciousness if you are about to have a cardiac arrest.

This is another sign that your heart is about to stop beating. This is something that should never be taken for granted due to the fact that some people have lost consciousness due to cardiac arrest and have never regained consciousness to see another day.


If you have a history of heart-related issues, it is especially important that you consult a medical professional if you begin experiencing symptoms such as excessive tiredness and lightheadedness.

Thanks for reading all about this silent killer, heart related issue

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