Details why German ambassador was deported emerge


Chad deports German ambassador for ‘lack of respect’


The German ambassador to Chad, Jan-Christian Gordon Kricke, has been expelled for his “impolite attitude,” according to a government statement released on Saturday.


A government spokesman explained that the decision was prompted by the German ambassador’s impolite behaviour and disregard for diplomatic etiquette, as stipulated by the Vienna Convention.


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According to local media reports, the move may have been prompted by ambassador Kricke’s criticism of the current transitional government.


Since 2021, Kricke has served as the German ambassador to Chad. he was given 48 hours to leave the country.


Since April 2021, the 17 million-person oil-rich country in the Sahel region has been governed by a military transitional government led by President Mahamat Idriss Déby.


His father, the longtime ruler Idriss Déby, was assassinated by rebels seeking to overthrow his government.


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The democratic elections that Déby had promised to hold within a year and a half had been repeatedly delayed.


In the end of 2012, opposition demonstrations were violently suppressed.


Numerous diplomats in the country, which shares borders with Libya, Niger, Nigeria, Cameroon, the Central African Republic, and Sudan, condemned the violence in the strongest terms.



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