Dollar To Naira Black Market Exchange Rate Today 20th February 2023

Black Market Exchange Rate of Naira to dollar


See Dollar to Naira Black Market today 20th February 2023 Exchange Rate. 

Here is the current USD to naira rate today. See today’s CBN & Black Market  Dollar to Naira Exchange rate today at aboki fx and the black market. You can change your USD to naira at these rate or convert dollar to naira at the latest black market rate or parallel market.

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So many Nigerians prefer to exchange their foreign currencies especially the US Dollars to naira using the black market because the exchange rate is very high compared to what the bank offers. If you want to know the current black market rate, here is the page to find that.

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Aboki fx Black Market Dollar To Naira Exchange Rate Today  has also been added here so you can easily verify each of the rate for the currencies you want to exchange in the parallel markets. Aboki fx is the most trusted source for Black Market Dollar To Naira Exchange Rate Today. You can find their exchange rate for today here.

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Dollar to Naira Black Market Exchange rate Yesterday 19th February 2023

The US Dollar to Naira Black Market Exchange rate closed on Sunday 12th, February 2023 at an average of N748/$1.

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This is according to information obtained by Ejes Gist Dollar from black market traders and Aboki dollar to Naira exchange Operators.


Dollar to Naira Black Market today 20th February 2023

Dollar to Naira today black market (USD to NGN) USD to naira black market today 
Buying Rate 749
Selling Rate 754


What is the current Black Market Dollar To Naira Exchange Rate Today or the parallel market? Well, it may interest you to know that Dollar to Naira Black Market Exchange rate for today  sometimes varies hugely from the rate in Central Bank of Nigeria website (

Dollar to Naira Black Market Exchange rate

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The price listed above is the current USD to Naira exchange rate. We will always update the latest rate on a daily basis to keep you informed. Dollar to Naira Exchange Rate is the current exchange equivalent of the United States Dollar. Rate varies for various banks and parallel markets.

How Much is Dollar to Naira Official Exchange Rate Today

Parallel exchange rate (black market) exchange rate is always different from CBN rate. Currently, Naira is trading at 452 Naira Per Dollar. The Nigerian Economy is drastically affected by the Dollar to Naira Black Market Exchange rate.

Dollar to Naira (USD to NGN) Official Dollar to Naira Exchange Rate Today
Buying Rate 453
Selling Rate 455


Dollar to Naira Bank rate today.

Banks in Nigeria sell dollars between 545 to 570 to a dollar.

Black Market Dollar To Naira Exchange Rate Today 
Graphic of Dollars and Nairas

As Naira is falling, inflation takes over the economy which usually affects the citizens. Central Bank Governor, Godwin Emefiele has said that the Nigerian Economy needs a massive turnaround and has urged Nigerians to work towards it.

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The black market commonly referred to as Aboki market rate for dollars is usually higher than the exchange rate at the banks which is usually regulated by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN). The CBN Exchange rate is the rate you can buy or sell dollars for naira listed on CBN website while dollar to naira black market rate are from aboki fx exchangers.

However, USD to Naira bank rate is the rate you use when purchasing something from foreign websites using your Naira Mastercard or Debit card from Nigerian Banks. These rate normally would always be lower than what is obtainable in the black market.

Interesting things you didn’t know about the U.S. dollar

You know that our money is the United States dollar. Did you know…

-There are three parts to a dollar: the penny, the nickel, and the dime. There are 100 cents in a dollar.

-The first dollar was made in 1792. It was used in the colonies instead of the Spanish dollar, which was used before.

-The dollar is the currency that is traded the most around the world.

-The dollar is also the currency that is most often faked around the world.

The US Dollar: A Brief History

Did you know that the history of the US dollar is pretty interesting? It was made when the Coinage Act was passed by the US government in 1792. This law made the US dollar the official currency of the country.

Since then, there have been a few changes to the dollar. For example, in 1854, the US stopped using Spanish coins and started using American ones. And in 1933, President Franklin D. Roosevelt took the US off the gold standard. This meant that the dollar could no longer be traded for gold.

The US dollar is one of the most popular currencies in the world right now. Over 60% of all transactions between countries take place in US dollars. So the next time you spend your vacation dollars in a foreign country, you can be sure that you are using a currency that has been around for a while!

Who Maintains the Production of US Currency?

The United States Mint is responsible for producing US dollar paper currency. It is a government agency that falls under the Treasury Department. They are responsible for producing both paper currency and coins.

Interestingly, each bill and coin’s design is determined by the president. The Mint then creates a prototype and submits it for approval to the Treasury. It is then put into production. Therefore, each bill and coin in circulation has been authorised by the president, which is why they often bear his or her image.

What are the Facts Influencing the Dollar to Naira Black Market Exchange rate for today ?

Here are some of the reasons for the dollar-to-naira exchange rate’s decline.

Inflation Rates: It is common knowledge that inflation has a direct impact on black market exchange rates. The naira will benefit if the Nigerian economy can be stabilised and inflation is brought under control; however, if the naira continues to fall, it may indicate that food and other necessities are becoming more expensive on a daily basis.

Interest Rates: Interest rates are another tool to keep an eye on. If the interest rate at which banks lend money rises, the economy will contract, and the value of the naira will fall as a result.

Government debt has the potential to affect investor confidence and, as a result, the flow of funds into the economy. If inflows are high, the naira exchange rate will rise in its favour.

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Speculators: Speculators have a significant impact on the Dollar to Naira Black Market Exchange rate for today . They hoard money in anticipation of a profit, causing the naira to fall even further.

Trade Conditions: Although Nigeria is currently running a trade deficit, favourable trade terms will lead to an increase in the value of the Nigerian currency to the dollar. China, India, and the majority of Asian countries supply everything.

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What’s your Opinion on Dollar to Naira Black Market today Monday 20th  February 2023, let us know what you think and how the Government can work with the CBN to provide reasonable USD to naira rates in the future.

Bitcoin now competing against gold, billionaire investor says, as BTC rises by 47%.

Micheal Saylor, billionaire and founder of Microstrategy, stated that Bitcoin (BTC) is now competing with a traditional asset, Gold.

There has always been debate about the status of cryptocurrencies as a store of value among asset classes such as estate, bonds, and equities, among others.

Bitcoin has frequently led the discussion due to its high value among crypto-assets and widespread adoption.

Black Market Dollar To Naira Exchange Rate Today

Saylor made a case for Bitcoin as a worthy store of value in a Twitter post on Sunday, writing, “#Bitcoin is competing against Gold, Collectibles, Art, Equities, Real Estate, Bonds, & Money as a Store of Value in the 21st Century.”

Saylor’s remark comes after the return on investment (ROI) that Bitcoin has provided this year in comparison to Gold.

According to analysis, Bitcoin has increased by more than 47% year to date, while gold ounces have only increased by 0.38 percent between January and February of this year.

Bitcoin’s selling price has risen by $7,841.87 in the last 56 days, from $16,688.85 on January 3, 2023, to $24,530.72 on Sunday, February 19, 2023.

Gold, on the other hand, has grown slowly, falling from $1,839 on January 3, 2023 to $1,846 on February 20, 2023.

Meanwhile, Bitcoin’s value fell slightly over the weekend, depreciating by -0.14 percent between Friday and Sunday.

According to Coinmarketcap data, Bitcoin’s value fell to $24,530.72 on Sunday from $24,565.60 when trading ended on Friday.

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Thanks for using our platform to learn about the latest Dollar to Naira Black Market Exchange rate for today Monday.

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