What is the Dollar to Naira Exchange Rate at the Black Market, also known as the Parallel Market (Aboki FX)?
Please find below the black market exchange rate for the dollar to Naira on February 19. These are the rates at which you can exchange your dollar for Naira.
How much is a dollar to Naira today in the black market? Dollar to Naira Exchange Rate Today in the Black Market (Aboki Dollar Rate):
Dollar to Naira Black Market Rate Today, February 19, 2024:
Dollar to Naira (USD to NGN) Black Market Exchange Rate Today
- Buying Rate: N1645
- Selling Rate: N1655
While the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) sets the official foreign exchange rate, transactions happening outside authorized channels, like the parallel market, operate independently. It is recommended to use authorized channels like banks for foreign exchange transactions.
Black Market Dollar To Naira Exchange Rate Today 14 February 2024 | Abokifx Today
Dollar to Naira CBN Rate Today:
Dollar to Naira (USD to NGN) CBN Rate Today
- Buying Rate: N1,500
- Selling Rate: N1,504
Meanwhile, at the Lagos Parallel Market, popularly referred to as the Black Market, the exchange rate between the dollar and the Naira concluded at 1945 per dollar yesterday, as reported by sources in the Bureau De Change (BDC).
Euro to Naira CBN Rate Today:
Dollar to Naira Exchange rate Today (CBN rates)
- Buying Rate: N1,494
- Selling Rate: N1,493
Pounds to Naira Today
Pounds to NGN CBN Rate Today
- Buying Rate: N1,886
- Selling Rate: N1,887
Euro to Naira Today
Euro to Naira exchange rate Today
- Buying Rate: N1,612
- Selling Rate: N1,613
Please be advised that the rates at which you buy or sell forex may differ from those displayed in this article due to price fluctuations.
Naira devaluation: CBN stops dollar cash for BTA/PTA
Meanwhile, The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) has discontinued the provision of cash for Business Travel Allowance (BTA) and Personal Travel Allowance (PTA). The bank has announced that henceforth, all such allowances will be issued in cards. This measure is part of the bank’s efforts to ensure that only genuine travelers obtain BTA and PTA in the future.
What You Should Know:
- In 2023, the Federal Government raised about N5.49 trillion through FGN bond auctions, which were used to finance the 2023 budget deficit of N11.34 trillion.
- In January, the Federal Government raised about N419.197 billion from the four bonds that were auctioned.
- With the budget deficit in the 2024 budget set at N9.19 trillion, the Federal Government seems committed to borrowing more from the domestic market.
Keep up with the latest news and updates with Ejes Gist News, your reliable source for news in Nigeria right now on the Dollar to Naira Black Market.