PLATEAU MASSACRE: The Nigerian State and The Road To Kigali


By Sanco Ese

I consider every single soul that has been killed, massacred, and butchered in Plateau State not only as saints but martyrs because they died on account of their belief and faith.

I wish to honor them with this essay and at the same time dedicate it to their memories. I believe it is time to speak the truth, no matter how ugly it may be and no matter how politically incorrect it may be to speak it.

It is time to stand up to the evil in the land, to damn the consequences, call it a bluff, and bear the threats and insults that always come with speaking and exposing the truth in what has essentially become a police state.

I feel a deep sense of anger, bitterness, vengefulness, and outrage on one hand and utter shame and frustration on the other about what is going on in our country today and what these butchers from the north are doing to our people, especially in Plateau State. It is totally unacceptable and utterly condemnable.

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The worst aspect of it all is that no one has ever been arrested, prosecuted, or brought to justice by the government for these hideous crimes, mainly because we have a President who is a Muslim and a Vice President who is not only a Muslim but also a religious bigot. Consequently, the authorities seem to have turned a blind eye, cover their tracks, and cultivate a soft spot for them.

Worse still, this was the second time in a matter of one week that the relative tranquility of Plateau State was desecrated by the marauding and intimidating presence of these nomadic beasts and murdering bastards who within this period butchered and slaughtered men, children, and women.

Yet, no drastic actions have been taken against the perpetrators and these animals in human form by the Tinubu-led government.

All we now see under the watch of Mr. President and the APC government in Plateau is death, blood, tears, mayhem, carnage, barbarity, cold-blooded mass murder, genocide, ethnic cleansing, crimes against humanity, unadulterated cruelty, unrelenting callousness, undiluted perfidy, and the most graphic and extreme form of wickedness that has been unleashed against a defenseless and innocent civilian population, which comprises primarily women and children.

Sir, you are the greatest disaster that has befallen our nation since independence. I see this senseless attack and barbarity as most uncivilized and an attempt not only to dominate us as a people but to also set a template for the pursuit of your Islamization agenda.

As long as the Lord lives, all those involved will surely fail because the counsel of God for this country shall stand and cannot be aborted. He is Jehovah Nissi, He is Jehovah Jireh, He is strong and mighty in battle, and He still rules in the affairs of this nation.

What happened in Turkey must never be allowed to happen in Nigeria. The Muslims of Turkey, after islamizing what was once a Christian nation, slaughtered one million Turkish and Armenian Christians just to ensure that Turkey would never be Christian again.

Those they did not kill, they herded into Nazi-like concentration camps or deported to neighboring Armenia. I repeat again this must never be allowed to happen in Nigeria.

As usual, the President will not say anything about these mindless and barbaric killings. The DSS will not say anything. The police will describe it as a mere misunderstanding between farmers and herdsmen. They will hardly confirm that anyone was killed, nor will they arrest or prosecute any of those invading Fulani vultures.

It is time to speak truth to power, it is time to face these bloodthirsty demons of war, it is time for us as Christians and Nigerians to take our destinies in our hands, it is time to defend ourselves, our values, and our God-given heritage. By God’s grace, they will definitely not be able to conquer us nor will they be able to achieve their evil agenda for Nigeria.

May the innocent souls of all the saints, Nigerians, believers, and Christian martyrs that were cut short by the butchers and barbarians from the north rest in peace. May the Lord God of Hosts avenge them speedily, and may His name alone be praised.

My name is Sanco Ese,
I am God’s Pen of Intervention.

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